Helping you build the dream relationship with your horse. 

 Equefit Club

 An ongoing membership where novice and intermediate horse owners are provided training tips, lesson ideas, video resources, coaching, and community, so they can have more connected, engaged horse time with less stress, frustration, and overwhelm.

Here are 21 Skills Every Horse Should Have.....

Does yours?

Download this free checklist and see what tools your horse really has in his toolbox.

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Why Equefit?

A Word From The Founder

We all know there's horse people and horse owners. I'm of the first variety. I didn't want anyone else to know my horse better than I did. Problem was, I didn't know all of what I didn't know. Now in the horse world, there are plenty of horse trainers that can teach the horse to perform well and can teach you the mechanics of becoming a better rider. Over the years, I experienced a good variety of them and was thankful for all the tools they put in my instructor/trainer toolbox. But not one of them ever emphasized how to create a loving partnership with a horse.

A trainer once scoffingly told me "horses don't have feelings or emotions." Huh? What? Yes. She did believe that. But I didn't. I believe horses do feel and are sensitive to emotions. They relate to us differently than other animals. That's the reason we choose to have horses. We all long for that special bond of trust, love, and mutual respect they can give us. I found it with my horses. I have helped other clients find it and would love to help YOU realize your dream of having a deeply bonded connection with your horse.

So for all you DIY horse folk out there like me, I see you. You want to spend quality time building relationship and training your horse yourself but you just need a few "how to's" from a reliable source. So, I created Equefit Club just for you. And I aim to bless you with all I have learned about horses and all that horses have taught me.


Your Dream Horse Journey Awaits

Just imagine what your life could be like when you arrive at the stables and your horse whinnies and nickers with excited anticipation of the time you'll spend together. Or when you walk out to the pasture, he leaves his herd buddies to run to YOU without being called. He travels everywhere with you at liberty because YOU are his heart partner. The possibilities are exciting and endless. What are you waiting for? Let's ride that happy trail together in community.

It's like being a member of an exclusive club

From the DIY horseman to the world's top equestrian professional, we all share a profound love for horses. Even more so, we love to talk about them. Afterall, what good is a great horse experience without having someone to share it with?

I know you remember the first time you cantered or hand galloped a horse in an open field. You were bursting at the seams and couldn't wait to tell someone. Certainly, you remember the first time you were stepped on, bitten, or had to chase your horse for 20 minutes to get a halter on him. I'm willing to bet, you wanted advice on how to stop those happenings.

If this sounds like you, then you would probably value a community of people who understand the highs and lows of loving and working with horses. That's exactly what you access when you become a member of the Equefit Club. 



Private community atmosphere allows you to interact, create conversations, receive feedback and inspiration by connecting with other like-minded horse enthusiasts. A safe place to ask questions, share stories, and make friends.


Stocked library of videos loaded with step by step training tips, and fun lesson ideas you can view at your leisure. Live monthly Q & A sessions, bonus quarterly trainings, challenges, small group coaching, mindset coaching, and tiered membership levels are available. New content uploaded weekly.


Develop strength, stamina and confidence in your horse by following the 12 week conditioning program. The daily curated lessons allow you to spend quality training time with your horse even if you have a busy schedule.

 It's Like Having a Personal Trainer for Your Horse.

Looking for ways to have quality time, fun, respectful training experiences balanced into your busy schedule? Equefit Conditioning Program is just for you. In 12 weeks, I guide you, novice and intermediate horse owners, through a program of curated daily lessons designed to take your horse from pasture plump to performance ready. Side pass your fingers over to that button to learn more.

Learn more

Hero and Marilyn H.

The Equefit Conditioning Program, developed by Juilane, is wonderful! As my horse and I went through the daily workouts, not only did he get in excellent condition, I also got in excellent condition. It was great to have our daily sessions already laid out for us because it saved me a good deal of time in planning. Best of all, I found that my horse would stand at his stall door anxiously waiting for us to work together. I would highly recommend the Equefit program.   ~Marilyn

Grace and Katie M.

      I first need to say, I had very basic knowledge about training a horse prior to Juilane Patterson’s Equefit program. I knew I needed to get my rescued OTTB, Grace,  in shape but also wanted to work with her on our connection as rider and horse. Juilane’s program was able to help us accomplish all of that and more. It was easy to understand and to adjust when needed. I was also able to pinpoint weaknesses or possible prior injuries my horse had and build her up from there. In the past 7 months I have been able to take my horse and compete in barrels, poles and other gymkhana events. She is coming up on 17 years old and people comment on how great she looks! This program is amazing. Get it, work it and you will see results.      ~Katie

If You're Groomed and Ready, Cinch Up and Join Up.

Equefit Club wants to help you build your dream relationship.



Come On In

We have been waiting for you. Click the button and join the herd.

Grand Opening Oct 9, 2023

Coaching with Juilane

It’s my pleasure to recommend the equine riding, training/coaching provided by Juilane Patterson and Equefit. Upon meeting Juilane, I immediately felt her warmth, compassion and caring nature for myself and for my horse. Both Lucky and I, recognized Juilane's demonstrated confidence in horsemanship, as well as her ability to make us, owner and horse, feel valued and at ease in the learning environment. Juilane’s approach to training was both impressive and highly effective. Her breadth of knowledge and depth of experience with horses was quite evident at the start of our work together. She tailored a training model based on my horse’s temperament and ability, as well as my experience and comfort level, which proved very effective in advancing my skills and enhancing the confidence level of myself and my horse. Juilane’s coaching has made a lasting impact on my relationship with Lucky and on her willingness to learn new things and to trust me through the process.          ~Karen S.

Clinics with Juilane

     I have attended 3 consecutive ground work clinics taught by Juilane Patterson. Each one has been more progressive and instructional than the one before. Juilane wanted us to understand that we had to face the challenges as a team of two (1 person & 1 horse). There was a lot of emphasis on exploration and that we needed to allow our horses the opportunity to explore and discover. We had to be patient and give them time to look, smell, touch, and taste items presented to them as they worked through the obstacles in the course. We were given detailed descriptions of each obstacle and the best method to work our horses through them , so we could all enjoy the process. A lot of positive support and reinforcement was given to both horses and handlers. We all enjoyed watching the horses respond so bravely and confidently to the challenges. On a personal note, I could really see and feel the connection and trust developing in Lily, the horse I was partnered with. All the participants were quite happy with the results achieved and the level of commitment Juilane showed in bringing us into a harmonious connection. Looking forward to the next one.         ~Jill C.

Don't waste your time trying to figure out what to do with your horse everyday. I can help you with that.

All you have to do is check your daily lesson then spend some quality time engaging your horse in fun, challenging training sessions. It's your choice if you want to bore yourself and your horse doing the same thing everyday. Or, you can choose to have more fun horse time with less stress and frustration. If that sounds like you, then trot over and grab this free trial.

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Equefit, 7 Day Sampler

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